Thursday, May 22, 2008

Off to excercise for a while!

Ohh and on a side note...has anyone played age of conan yet? Its a mmorpg. A mmorpg is a game that connects you and the rest of the people around the wold in a virtual universe. Very interesting indeed! Well im running this pc game on my old desktop so its running kinda slow, but its really really fun none the less! Cant wait to get my better laptop from repairs =).

here are some interesting yet stunning images of the game:

Well anyways my computer doesn't serve this game justice so ill review this when i get my gaming laptop back. In the meantime im going to go exercise a while! Dont forget to workout guys! And drink those vitamins too hehe =D.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

are you Crazy about Mother?

Your probably all wondering"What the heck is this guy talking about"? Well i mean mother as in the Mother series from Japan. Its more commonly known as Earthbound here in the United States. What does the Mother2(Earthbound) series entail? Well lets see hmmmm... it a mix of aliens, hippies, evil animals, cults all in the way to stop our heroes, Ness and company, from stopping giygas and his horde of starman from taken over the universe!

Most of us that know what Earthbound2 is have gotten a chance to play this masterpiece. We have fallen in love with its quirky humor, awesome battle style, and interesting music. Lets not forget about the characters too! For example who can forget the race of Mr.Saturns or the evil antagonist of the story, Pokey?
So much is unforgettable of this game that it has gathered a huge fan base over the years! There is lots of fan art being submitted to this day over at .
The game was released here in the United States during the days of the Super Nintendo.

2 years ago however, the sequel known as Mother 3 came out in Japan for the game boy advance. It was a Japan only release and that drove us Mother fans maaaaaad! Fear not though, there are plenty of translators out there making a patch for the game over at!

For those that havnt played Mother2(Earthbound) go ahead and do so! It is so so worth it. Youll realize why were crazy about it!

Fascination with nutrition

During the beginning of September of last year i got more involved in the gym and what not because 1) i wanted to feel better and 2) i don't like going alone to the gym and to my biggest surprise and luck my roommate loves working out so i go with him. Now a year later i am feeling better than ever and am missing the gym supplied by my University at Rutgers! Although exercise was a important factor that helped me feel better, the proper nutrition definably made the difference. Even today I follow better nutritional practices because i learned a lot from my roommate. For example i stay away from white wonder bread because of its "Hydrogenated"contents and trans fats. I also stray from the fried foods as well as the deserts which i had a relatively easy time avoiding. The fried food was harder to avoid in my opinion haha! Not only did i eat healthier but i also supplemented myself with vitamins, Sure you take a vitamin one day and you say "Pfft...i don't think this is doing anything!!!" I thought the same thing too, but in the long run it definably makes a difference. In my experience the exercise and good nutrition made me feel great. I have not gotten ill in a long long time too. In fact I think the only time i did get ill was during my winter semester as a result of stress with finals lol. Aside from that i feel great even today.

I just used the 100 Healthpack. It says to drink a set number everyday because the supply is for one month, but i have to say that i think in my case you can actually stretch those pills and use them for more than a month. Your suppose to take two packets of vitamins everyday. One in the morning, but also one in the afternoon. I don't know..maybe its to give your body maximum absorption of the vitamins? Whatever the reason its definably worth looking at. Sometimes though i would just take a AM packet and thats it because i forget etc(hey im a college kid and am doing things here and there so yea i forget! hehe). Either way they proved to be very useful and i definably recommend it to anyone looking for a healthier and better start to their lives!

You can get more information at:
Good luck!!